Webinar: Blockchain – The China Way

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DATO & TID: Torsdag d. 8 april  2021, kl. 09.00 – 11.00

STED: Dit kontor

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The webinar provides insights on how Chinese industries are being reinvented by blockchain technology. Our goal is to inspire industry professionals. Knowing more about China’s experiences offers exciting business prospects and useful tools to compete in markets where innovation, speed and agility are success factors.

The webinar is presented by Blockchainbusinessbrigde.com – Another blockchain project funded by Industriens Fond.

The program is centered around two panel discussions:


How blockchain solves food safety challenges

China’s food industry continues to create controversy due to lax safety standards. From infant formula scandals to swine fever and association with Covid-19. Denmark is globally renowned for its focus on transparency in food supply chains but is not considered a first-mover in adapting new technology.

Can blockchain partnerships help the two countries solve their challenges? Could China’s approach to integrating new applications at breakneck speed show the way forward for Danish food companies? Could Danish food safety practices constitute a starting point for new applications?


How blockchain makes cities lean, clean and green

China recently announced the most ambitious climate targets in the country’s history. The goal is to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and to achieve full carbon neutrality before 2060. Chinese cities are particularly prioritized in sustainability plans as urbanization is expected to reach 70% within the next decade.

Adaptation of blockchain and other new technologies are required to meet China’s climate targets. The Chinese experiences will undoubtedly create best practices for the rest of the world. So how can Denmark and China work together when it comes to using blockchain for sustainable city development?


  • 09:00-09:05


  • 09.05 – 09.20

    Setting the scene: China’s blockchain evolution

  • 09.20 – 10.00

    PANEL 1 – How blockchain solves food safety challenges

  • 10.00 – 10.10

    Coffee break

  • 10.10 – 10.50

    PANEL 2 – How blockchain makes cities lean, clean and green

  • 10.50 – 11.00

    Information about blockchain support programs

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